Hush Now.

Dear One,

The disciples were in a boat on the lake when their “storm formed” (Mark 4:35-41).

How about you?
What little piece of life were you going about when your “storm formed?”

Maybe you saw it brewing, looming, gathering strength in the distance. Maybe you knew to expect it, heard its forecast. Maybe not. Maybe it descended with no time for screaming sirens, catching you completely unaware. It really doesn’t matter. The thing is, the wind whipped. The waves crashed. And that thing that held you was suddenly swamped and sinking fast.

And Jesus was asleep.

Then it happens. The storm without becomes the storm within. Emotions rise and fall with the waves. Fear comes in great gulps threatening to sweep you off your feet. 

And Jesus is asleep.

They wake Him, the disciples do. Of course they do. And He speaks to the storm. Says things like:

Quiet! Be still! 
Hush, be muzzled! 
That’s enough! 
Settle down! 

I’m wondering – Jesus, are you speaking to the wind & waves or to the disciples themselves, because I need You to say those words to me. I need You to stand up and speak into the chaos in me because I can’t get my mind on when all is noise and rage. I need Your command:

Hush now.
That’s enough.
Settle down. 

I used to be a bit irritated and angry by Jesus’ sleepiness at a time like this.
But today it strikes me that Jesus was the only one unmoved by the storm and that’s not a bad thing, friend. His anchor held. For everyone else, their inner life took on the feel of all that raged around them (as does mine). 

Because they were swept up in the storm, the disciples lost their power to speak to the storm. Hello!! All they could do was feed its intensity.

Been there, done that.

But not so for Jesus. Unlike us (or at least me), His inner state of peace & trust held. And holding, He was able to effect the outer state of storm.  He brought calm, not chaos. Rooted in peace, Jesus was able to bring peace. Speak peace. 

I’m so effected by my environment, by winds that whip and overwhelm. Jesus, however, is not ruffled nor restless, but rooted. And from that place He stands and speaks:

 “Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you …
do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.
Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance
and give you courage and strength for every challenge.”
John 14:27 (Amplified) 

Hush now. That’s enough. Settle down.  “And the wind died down as if it had grown weary and there was at once a great calm, a perfect peacefulness.”
Mark 4:39 (Amplified) 

Hush now. That’s enough. Settle down: Our Little Life Words of the week. 


  • Name a recent storm that formed in your life. In what ways did you react or respond?


  • Make a storm emergency kit, but in this case fill it with items that help to ground and settle you down. What might you put in it?



  • Ask God to calm you and give you courage. Ask Him to do the same for someone you know for whom a storm has formed. 

Hush now. That’s enough. Settle down.
Oh friend, may your winds grow weary and your chaos calm.
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is here. 

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