Dear One,
If you see something, say something.
My beloved friend Kristen video messaged me from her chilly back porch this morning. She had just read a verse in the book of Zechariah and had a thing or three to tell me about it.
“The Lord spoke kind and comforting words to the angel who talked with me.”
(Zechariah 1:13)
Kristen went on to tell me that the phrase, “kind and comforting words” made her think of me. That I have these words. That I use them in my writing and in my ministry of spiritual direction and in my friendship with her. “You are gifted with good and properly consoling words,” she said. Kristen saw something and said something, and I was encouraged to carry on.
I had a tea date with my new friend, Angie. Throughout the time we talked I was impressed with her deep compassion for others. When I got home, I sent a quick email saying so. I saw something and said something, which Angie said touched her deep and caused her to weep.
I was in a small group of 5 when my friends Christianne & Becky, both spiritual directors themselves, told me I had the charism for that calling as well. Within 6-months, due in part to their noticing and naming, I was enrolled in training to serve in this new way. They saw something and said something and it directed my path.
The above is the slogan for a Homeland Security national campaign. It’s meant to combat terrorism. It’s also used to try to protect others from bullying or abuse of any kind. If you see something, say something. Yes. By all means! But let’s not stop there.
Let’s not only see & say to protect a life, but promote one as well! Like my friends did for me, and I did for Angie. If you see something, say something. It’s that simple.
We too often live sight unseen – within someone’s sight, yet invisible to them. It is a tragedy on all fronts to see and never say, or to not see at all. Let’s open our eyes to see and our mouths to speak:
- That took courage.
- I see the gift of _______ in you.
- You’re such a good Mom.
- I know this is hard.
To be seen is powerful. Life-changing, even. But how will we know we’re seen if no one says so?
“Offer fresh words that build others up when they need it most. That way your good words will communicate grace to those who hear them.”
(Ephesians 4:29 Voice)
If you see something, say something, so we can stop living sight unseen.
See & Say: Our Little Life Words of the week.
- Recall a time when someone saw something in and said something to you. What effect did it have?
- Ask God to open your eyes to see others this week. And when you do, take a moment to say something to them of what you have seen.
- Bonus points for doing this with members of your own family.
- Our song of the week is: Speak Life by Toby Mac.
- Give me good words with which to grace others, amen.